Good News Club®
Boys and girls ages 5 through 12 gather with their friends to sing interesting visualized songs. They enjoy playing games that help them memorize a verse from God’s Word. Through the missionary time they learn of children around the world who are following Jesus. The visualized Bible story applies God’s Word to what is happening in their lives. They play review games that help them remember what was taught. An opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as Savior is given. Activities that help them grow in Christ are presented.
Where do Good News Clubs meet?
Good News Clubs meet in the neighborhood where children live. We want to make it easy and convenient for them to attend. They meet most often in the friendly atmosphere of a home. This home can serve as a link between the church and the child’s home, bringing the Good News right to where the child lives. They can meet in a community center or most anywhere children will gather together.
Who teaches a Good News Club?
Christians who are concerned for boys and girls work together volunteering their time and energy to teach Good News Clubs. They are trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship to have a club that is exciting and informative so that children will want to keep coming. Teachers are asked to sign the CEF Statement of Faith and agree to abide by the policies of the organization.
What a Good News Club can do for my neighborhood?
A Good News Club can identify a home in the neighborhood that is safe for a child to go to in time of trouble. It brings the teaching of biblical morality to his neighborhood. It connects the child and his family to others where they live, developing a good community spirit. When you leave your home on Sunday to go to church, others in your neighborhood know you are religious. When you teach children in your neighborhood God’s Word, your neighborhood learns what you believe.
How will a Good News Club benefit your child?
- biblical principles
- moral values
- character qualities
- respect for authority
- life-long impact
Is there any cost for my child to attend?
There is no charge for your child to attend. An optional missionary offering will be taken each week.
Will my child be safe?
CEF has taken specific steps to ensure the safety of your child. All club workers have been carefully screened as required by CEF’s child protection policy.